I know… it’s already the 21st of January, so we’re almost a month into 2017 and I haven’t yet posted about my goals for the year. In truth, I wasn’t even going to make a resolutions post because I didn’t actually have exact set goals, other than ‘try to be better’ in general. Also, the pressure of stating a goal on my blog means I HAVE to stick to it because I hate letting myself down.. I’m a Capricorn and we do not like that.
BUT, reading everyone else’s goal posts has got me motivated and willing to take on the pressure of HAVING to stick to these things.
1. Exercise more
I mean, it’s a no brainer, this is probably on 99% of these types of posts but regardless of that, I had to include it as I intend on doing it. I’m not awful at exercising, I actually enjoy it because it makes you feel so much more positive. I’m just inconsistent with it. This year I’m gonna quit with the laziness, haul my ass out of bed and get to the gym!
2. Eat better
This goes hand in hand with exercising more and this is always where I fall down.. Chocolate is my weakness and I just can’t quit. And I don’t plan to entirely quit otherwise I won’t stick to it. I’m just going to eat it in moderation, along with all the other bad things that I LOVE. I’ll definitely be sticking in a few more fruits and vegetables in my diet too.
3. Watch more films
I’m writing down every single film I watch this year so I can see how many I have watched at the end of 2017. So far, I’ve watched 3 which isn’t so bad for me. If you ask one of my closest friends, she will tell you that I used to be terrible at watching films. I’d lose interest about half an hour into it and completely zone out. I am actually much better now and enjoy a good movie. I’m sick of saying no when someone asks me if I’ve seen a film.
4. Read more
This one is a big one for me. I love reading and have always consumed many books, however last year I really didn’t read very much at all. My course at Uni is creative writing so reading more would actually help out with that too. I’m also making a list of the books I read this year, so far only 1 book is on it, but I am well into a second so well done me.
5. Spend more time with friends
Honestly, I have no idea where my time goes. I just sit and watch youtube videos and go to Uni. This year I want to see my friends more and do more fun things! I’m catching up with one of my best friends tomorrow.. look at me working on my goals!
6. Look after my skin
Towards the end of 2016, skin care became very important to me and I just want to continue that on to 2017 because since I’ve been paying more attention to what products are right for my body, I’ve seen some massive improvements.
That’s all really, I don’t want to overload myself with goals so I’m keeping it simple and now I’ve made this post, I’m definitely sticking to them!!!
Jazmin xx
Great post! Good luck with your goals xx
Thankyou ! Xx
Great resolutions! I haven’t posted a resolution thing either. It’s so final to put it on paper hahaha. And mine is nothing special really: work out more, eat healthier and work on my self development (maybe a marketing course and setting money aside for a make up training)… xoxo Sarah
Haha yeah I felt the same and then the other day I was like feeling super motivated for some reason!!! Xx
I have the exact same goals for this year, and I feel that they have been the same for years lol however things have improved, which motivates me to keep going 🙂 I’ve found that tracking what I eat is the best way of sticking to a healthy diet, I’ve started to use an app this year (Yazio https://www.yazio.com/en) and I would really recommend it to anyone struggling to stock to a healthy diet 🙂